Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is This Food Pyramid Right?

I started this blog to chronicle my journey in healthy living and weight loss.  In my youth and younger years, there was never a struggle with food, health or being overweight.  Looking back I can almost pinpoint when things became decidedly different.  There it was, right in front of my eyes, clear as day, I had never learned the proper way to eat and be fit for life. Sure your parents cooked a "well balanced" meal for you (and by well balanced I am referring to the protein, side of vegetable or fruit and a carbohydrate like rice or potatoes, all in equal portions, along with a glass of milk).  Is that a well balanced meal? According to what we would learn in health class each year, briefly.  And according to that nutrition pyramid, yep.  That seems to be right..... right? WRONG!

Here it is... you guys remember this right? That illustrious, all knowing, pyramid!  Look at ALL those carbs at the bottom and 6-11 servings of them... WHAT???  I don't see anything in there mentioning whole grains.  And fats and oils at the top to barely use any?  What about the good, healthy fats that are in avocados and the good, healthy oils like fish oil and olive oil?  Are we really to believe that you should eat more carbs than fruits and vegetables?  Where are the legumes, beans and nuts? Come on.... really??  Well, just as an example, take a look at the below pyramid and just look at the difference.

Or this one:

Have you guys ever seen these pyramids?  If you are a Dietitian or a fitness junkie, then yes you probably have, the rest of us, probably not.  LOOK at the huge differences!  Get more exercise, eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood and nuts.  Drink lots of water.

It starts with diet.  Diet is the key to healthy living.  Take the time to analyze your meals, pre-plan, and teach your children the right way to eat.  We do a poor job in this country educating our children how to eat properly and budget.  Let's start a revolution!  Change your habits today, 1 at a time!

You can also follow me on my fitness page as well: Bring It On with Staci at the link below.  There is no body bashing, just plain positive thoughts, energies, tips and ideas and comradery for my fellow health and fitness strugglers!

You can also get fitness programs and a healthy, all natural, nutrient dense shake here:

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