Friday, March 27, 2015

There Will Be Days When......

There will be days when you just aren't feeling it.  When you are feeling particularly tired or blue and all you want to do is eat some chocolate or some other comfort food and skip the days workout.  When everything that day is going wrong, someone made you feel bad, you got a speeding ticket, kids are making a mess of your house, you received some bad news.  I had that day.... it was yesterday.  Let me tell you, it wasn't easy to drag myself into my regular workout.  I thought to myself, it's only 30 minutes and it's at home, what's the big deal, who will notice?  And then it hit me...I will notice!  The big deal is, once you make it a habit, even when there is no motivation, the habit keeps you going.  The habit SCREAMS at you to GET UP and DO IT!  Why haven't you done it? Hello.... are you listening to me???  OK OK I hear you, time to work out!  Not only did I work out, but I still didn't feel great about myself or my day, so 3 hours later, I worked out again!  Nothing gets those endorphins going like two workouts!
This jump started my evening. I buckled down, helped the kids finish their homework, made dinner, read some pages from First Steps to Wealth by Dani Johnson: A Revolution to Increase Your Income for some personal development, did some laundry, took a conference call and then watched my Kentucky Wildcats blow past another team to get to the elite 8 in the NCAA  National Championships and then got a very restful sleep.

Make it a habit and you will never have to worry about when and if you are going to work out each day, you will have no choice!  Just start!
Start a healthy habit today!

You can also follow me on my fitness page as well: Bring It On with Staci at the link below.  There is no body bashing, just plain positive thoughts, energies, tips and ideas and comradery for my fellow health and fitness strugglers!

You can also get fitness programs and a healthy, all natural, nutrient dense shake here:

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Do you want to lose the weight and get in shape for the summer and it's FREE!
You will get 11 fitness programs such as Insanity, P90x, 21 Day Fix and Brazilian Butt Lift to just to name a few and customized meal plans! It is totally FREE and there is no catch! Ha!
Tag your friends too and put them in the comment section!
The first 100 people will get a spot in the fitness group for FREE for 30 days! You will be able to stream all your favorite workouts from any internet enabled device such as your phone, tablet, and computer at anytime you want!
You can workout anywhere you want to without having to move furniture around!

See my personal fitness page here and and
Comment below this post on that page: " I want in" and I will send you the FREE link to sign up!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Here's What I Found Out About Water....

Here' what I found out about water... I LIKE IT!  It makes me feel good.  Water is refreshing, it's clean. Water makes me feel full, it curbs my cravings.  Better yet it's all the rage!  Even people who haven't fully committed to a healthy lifestyle agree that they and their families should be drinking water.  With so many craft beers and cocktails out there, why not have your own crafted water! Do you know how many different flavors and combinations of refreshing water drinks you can make for yourself and your family?  The sky is really the limit!  Why don't we have Water Bars?  Hmmm, maybe I should start one.  I could have a list like a martini list but with all my flavored waters.  People could get together and talk about their day, relax, maybe have some live music, some healthy appetizers and salads on the menu.  Best of all, after Water Happy Hour people wouldn't get DUIs or have spent all of their money, (of course we would have to charge for the fresh fruit and veggies, and you would certainly have to tip your Watertender appropriately!)  The day after Water Happy Hour you certainly would not feel like you got run over by a Mack Truck the previous day.  Something to think about (still in development phase, not ready to take to Shark Tank just yet!).

Not sure how to follow that tangent but here goes.  There are several reasons why water is AWESOME!  Here are a few:

  1. Aids in weight loss
  2. Powers  you through your hot weather exercise
  3. Good for digestion
  4. Helps endurance athletes fight fatigue
  5. It can improve mood
  6. Helps prevent headaches
  7. Keeps your kidneys working
  8. Energizes you
  9. Soda water makes healthier cocktails (if you are going to cocktail, winkee face)
  10. And if you are going to cocktail, it takes the edge off hangovers
  11. Help keeps you alert
  12. Protects joints and cartilage
  13. Helps you think more clearly
  14. Keeps your skin looking good
And the list goes on and on....

Here are a few samples from my Water Menu whenever I do get that plan together for the Sharks, LOL!

Minty Cucumber Lime

1/2 a cucumber, sliced
1/2 a lime, sliced
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

Strawberry-Lemon with Basil

1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1/2 a lemon, sliced
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves

Watermelon Mint

1 cup cubed watermelon
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

Pineapple-Orange with Ginger

1/2 cup cubed pineapple
1/2 an orange, sliced
1 tablespoon freshly-grated ginger
You can also follow me on my fitness page as well: Bring It On with Staci at the link below.  There is no body bashing, just plain positive thoughts, energies, tips and ideas and comradery for my fellow health and fitness strugglers!

You can also get fitness programs and a healthy, all natural, nutrient dense shake here:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is This Food Pyramid Right?

I started this blog to chronicle my journey in healthy living and weight loss.  In my youth and younger years, there was never a struggle with food, health or being overweight.  Looking back I can almost pinpoint when things became decidedly different.  There it was, right in front of my eyes, clear as day, I had never learned the proper way to eat and be fit for life. Sure your parents cooked a "well balanced" meal for you (and by well balanced I am referring to the protein, side of vegetable or fruit and a carbohydrate like rice or potatoes, all in equal portions, along with a glass of milk).  Is that a well balanced meal? According to what we would learn in health class each year, briefly.  And according to that nutrition pyramid, yep.  That seems to be right..... right? WRONG!

Here it is... you guys remember this right? That illustrious, all knowing, pyramid!  Look at ALL those carbs at the bottom and 6-11 servings of them... WHAT???  I don't see anything in there mentioning whole grains.  And fats and oils at the top to barely use any?  What about the good, healthy fats that are in avocados and the good, healthy oils like fish oil and olive oil?  Are we really to believe that you should eat more carbs than fruits and vegetables?  Where are the legumes, beans and nuts? Come on.... really??  Well, just as an example, take a look at the below pyramid and just look at the difference.

Or this one:

Have you guys ever seen these pyramids?  If you are a Dietitian or a fitness junkie, then yes you probably have, the rest of us, probably not.  LOOK at the huge differences!  Get more exercise, eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood and nuts.  Drink lots of water.

It starts with diet.  Diet is the key to healthy living.  Take the time to analyze your meals, pre-plan, and teach your children the right way to eat.  We do a poor job in this country educating our children how to eat properly and budget.  Let's start a revolution!  Change your habits today, 1 at a time!

You can also follow me on my fitness page as well: Bring It On with Staci at the link below.  There is no body bashing, just plain positive thoughts, energies, tips and ideas and comradery for my fellow health and fitness strugglers!

You can also get fitness programs and a healthy, all natural, nutrient dense shake here: